Foamy Foam Machine Rental (large) (Sponsorship Deal) + 1 Liter Organic Solution *EXPIRES 03/31/2025

From: $499.00

This Price includes discounts. Large Machine + 1 Liter Organic Solution 

To qualify you must Like, Follow, Tag, Link Foamalicious on all social media and websites pertaining to event. 

As an added bonus we will pay for your return shipping if you Hashtag Foamalicious on your social media and say “I can’t wait to get foamed up by Foamalicious!”

Please call our office if your date is not available on the calendar 310-483-7942


SKU: FoamyRental-1 Category:


We are celebrating our 22 year Anniversary doing strictly foam! Thank you for the past amazing 22 years and look forward to many more!

Thank you for renting our amazing Foamy (large) foam machine. All of our foam machines are invented and manufactured by Foamalicious. They weigh as little as 37 lbs. up to 52 lbs. They are compact, light, and extremely durable! Perfect for all your foam party needs! An important factor is to not go the cheap route. Go with foam machines that are made by professionals, FOAMALICIOUS.

Foamy – Large foam machine  rental. (Excellent for parties from 50 to 125 people)

We like to get your rental to you 2-3 days before your actual event date so you can open it up and read the directions. You will ship the machine back the next business day, after your event.

Call and ask about our rent to own.

This is the discounted price, you must like and follow our social media pages and send us a shoutout and tag us in a photo of your event. #Foamalicious @Foamalicious

Thanks for choosing Foamalicious!

For more details and items you will need to get click on additional information.

Additional information

Weight 55 lbs
Dimensions 21 × 21 × 21 in
Foam Machine Rental Specifications:

49 lbs in total to ship (not including solution weight)
13 amps total with pump and machine.
Standard 110v

Included with Large Foam Machine Rental:

Hanging accessory
Attached 22ft cord
Includes (1) submersible pump
6-15' Hose (to connected pump and foam machine)
Foam operating instructions
Return Shipping label (depending on promo)
Packing Sheet

Not Included in Rental:

Clean 55 Gallon Drum (to mix your solution and water)
Paddle/Stir stick (to mix your solution and water)
Extension power cord
Garden hose to fill drum
Power strip
Truss system to hang your foam machine above people
People to party in your foam :-)

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